Consider Before Buying Planters

5 Factors to Consider Before Buying Planters

Pots and containers come in different shapes, sizes, and materials that can give your garden, porch, or deck a complete makeover.

But getting the right planters can be quite tricky. So, while the metal ones hold water better, lightweight plastic ones are best suited for smaller plants.

And most of the time, when you buy planters, your decision gets guided by your taste. But you must go the extra mile so that your gardens look great and have healthy growth.

Hence, when you are a first-time buyer, you must be very careful and consider the following factors before the purchase:

1. Size

Planters come in various sizes that can transform any space in your house. And you can spice up your interior or garden space with beautiful and simple planters of different sizes without much effort.

The size of a planter should be such that it can hold a healthy amount of soil to support the plant’s growth and allow room for roots’ growth.

Also, you should be able to see more of the plant than the planter itself. Therefore, a good-sized container should be one where the plant is twice more visible than the pot.

2. Material

Wood and metal planters are affordable and easy to move, while wood is porous and offers good drainage. However, you cannot use wood planters directly for planting inside.

Instead, you can use them for concealing plastic pots. You may also need to put extra effort into taking care of wood planters as they get mildewed when not taken care of properly. 

Meanwhile, metal or plastic planters would be ideal for plants requiring a lot of water as they prevent evaporation. However, metal absorbs heat, so you need to be careful so the soil doesn’t dry out.

In the meantime, terracotta planters can be your best bet if you want a splash of colour in your garden. However, these can break easily and are a bit more expensive than other options. 

You can also have lightweight plastic planters and the least sturdy. So, they cannot endure harsh weather or bear the weight of heavy plants.   

3. Exposure

When you buy planters, you must consider whether they will be exposed to the hot midday sun or strong breezes. And since pots dry out faster than garden soil, certain factors can exacerbate the situation.

So if you’re considering planting in full sun, look for non-porous pots. Moreover, if you’re purchasing terracotta pots, you must remember that they dry out quickly and crack in extreme cold.

As such, synthetic resin pots could be the best choice if you’re looking for better moisture retention.

4. Drainage

Before shelling out for the pot, you must know your plants’ watering needs; it’ll play a pivotal part in your purchase decision, as some planters have drainage holes and some don’t.

Meanwhile, drainage holes can prevent the roots from getting waterlogged. And if you’re getting planters without water holes, you can use them for decorative purposes.

5. Mobility

Sometimes you may need to move around your planter according to your convenience to the sun or the shade. Therefore, you might think twice about buying a large and heavy planter that you cannot move easily.

And while you may be fixated on the beautiful concrete urns, remember you cannot move them according to your will.      

You must start planning ahead to purchase the right planters for your plants. And for that, you should decide what kind of plants you want in the garden so that the planter provides ideal conditions for their growth.  


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