Toxic Plants for Cats and Dogs

Toxic Plants for Cats and Dogs [Avoids These Common Household Plants]

Plant decor is one of the most trending hashtags when it comes to home decor. Lately, the world is kind of awakening.

Gone are the days when plastic furniture in fancy colors was used to allure people. Though very late, at least people have now started to shift to a more sustainable approach.

I think the awareness regarding saving the earth, growing more trees, and so on, has worked now and people have started thinking with a more open mind.

That is why the definition of home decor has also changed. Plants have become people’s favorite, not only outdoors but indoors as well.

Finally, everyone has stated understanding that having plants at home benefits and no harm.

When buying plants for our home, we usually think about the space that the plant will go in, the size of the plant, the appearance, color, and cost.

If you are a nature enthusiast you may take its requirements under consideration, but has anyone ever thought about the toxicity that the plant may have? Very few.

We often don’t pay attention to toxicity because it is not going to affect us in any way but the people who have pets or kids at home, need to be more careful what they put in their indoor space.

Pets like dogs and cats are little curious creatures that explore the whole house and won’t even think for a second to put something in their mouth. Well, innocence can cost them their life.

Though it is not very hard to order plants online, a little research about their toxicity will be helpful.

I know we cannot keep an account of thousands of plant species which is why I have shortlisted some of the commonly found houseplants.

I’m going to talk about Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs and the kind of effect they can have on your pet.

Four Toxic Plants for Pets

Peace Lily Plant

Peace Lily Plant  Common House Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs
Peace Lily Plant Common House Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs

This plant is one of the most common plants found in the indoor space of people. It is known for its air-purifying properties and the fact that it is really easy to care for and maintain makes it people’s favorite.

This plant sure is a perfect addition to your interiors but you may want to give it a skip if you are a pet owner. The plant is poisonous and can be potentially fatal for pets.

Either avoid this plant or you can place it somewhere your pet cannot reach.

Swallowing peace lily can lead to vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty in swallowing, kidney damage, kidney failure, or even multiple organ failure.

Sago Palm Plant

Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs-Sago Palm Plant
Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs-Sago Palm Plant

Just like peace lily, sago palms are also among the popular indoor plants that are usually found indoors. This plant looks pretty in the corners of the house.

It covers up space beautifully with its feather-like leaves and gives a tropical vibe to the place they are added to.

No matter how much love you give this plant, it will not spare your pets. All parts of the plants are highly toxic to your pet which can be often fatal on consumption.

On consumption of sago palms, your pets may have symptoms like diarrhea, and vomiting, then leading to liver damage, liver failure, and multiple organ failure. You wouldn’t want this to happen to your pet, right?

Philodendron Plants

Toxic Plants for Cats and Dogs -Philodendron Plants
Toxic Plants for Cats and Dogs -Philodendron Plants

Another commonly found houseplant is the philodendron plant. Everything about this plant is so perfect to find a spot for it in the house except the one thing that it is poisonous to animals.

You will love it for its ease to care for and maintain the property, it won’t complain about not getting ample sunlight or water but will surely affect pets’ consumption.

Lily Plant

Lily Plant  Common House Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs
Lily Plant Common House Plants Toxic for Cats and Dogs

Lilies are a very cute flower-yielding plant which is why it is a popular choice amongst planters. Seems like this plant is not very fond of pets. This plant is highly toxic for dogs and cats.

Many other plants from the lily family are poisonous so you can avoid plants from this family to avoid any accidents with kids and pets.

If you already have this plant at home, be careful of the symptoms like vomiting, lack of appetite, and diarrhea in your pet as chances are it might have swallowed a leaf or two.

If you want to buy indoor plants online for your loved ones, be mindful of giving them to people who have pawed friends at home.

These are some plants you need to be careful with when having dogs and cats at home because they prove to be poisonous.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Which common household plants are toxic to cats and dogs?

Some examples include lilies, philodendrons, and poinsettias.

How can I identify if a plant is toxic to my pets?

Check online resources, consult your veterinarian, and look out for symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, or difficulty breathing.

Are there pet-friendly alternatives to common toxic plants?

Yes, consider safe alternatives like spider plants, air plants, or pet-friendly herbs such as catnip or catmint.

What should I do if my pet ingests a toxic plant?

Seek immediate veterinary attention, providing details about the plant ingested, and consider inducing vomiting only if advised by a professional.

How can I create a pet-safe environment with indoor plants?

Choose non-toxic plants, place them out of reach, and monitor your pets’ behavior around new foliage to prevent accidental ingestion.

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