Worms in Cats

Everything You Need to Know About Worms in Cats

Finding out that your cat has worms may be distressing for any pet owner. In addition to being horrifying (and disgusting), the presence of worms in a cat’s body can cause severe health issues.

There are many safe and efficient treatments for worms in cats and some preventative steps to reduce the likelihood of re-infestation.

Here is all you need to know about the cat wormer and how to eliminate worms from cats safely and efficiently.

How Do Cats Get Worms?

Cats commonly get worms through contact with parasite eggs or contaminated faeces. A cat may stroll through an area containing eggs or infected excrement, and because cats are often such meticulous groomers, they may eat the eggs or faeces when cleaning their hair and feet.

Indoor and outdoor cats are equally susceptible, especially when numerous cats share a litter box containing infected excrement.

Because worms may dwell in the muscular tissue of their prey, cats who live outdoors and often hunt tiny rodents are also at a greater risk of catching worms.

A cat can get a worm infestation after consuming a rodent infected with worm larvae, as the larvae mature in the cat’s intestines.

What Are the Symptoms and Indicators of Worm Infestation in Cats?

Both indoor and outdoor, aged and young cats can develop worms. Adults can catch worms through contaminated excrement, fleas, or rodents, while kittens can be exposed to worms through suckling.

The following indicators indicate your cat may be infested:

  • Visible presence: For many cat owners, the first indicator of worm infestation will be visible parasites. The faeces or vomit of your pet may contain complete worms, worm fragments, or worm eggs. Occasionally, worms or eggs can move to a cat’s anus and become entrapped in its hair.
  • Change in coat: If your cat is infected with a parasite, its fur may become drab, rumpled, or matted owing to a lack of nutrition or dehydration.
  • Change in the colour of the gums: The gums of a healthy cat should be pink, but if they seem pale or white, your cat may be suffering from anaemia caused by worms.
  • Vomiting: If cats vomit more frequently than normal, worms may be the cause.
  • Changes in faeces and bowel movements: Dark, tarry faeces suggest the presence of blood, perhaps from hookworms. Diarrhoea can be caused by intestinal worms.
  • Increased hunger despite weight loss: As the worms deprive your cat of essential nutrients, they must consume more food to maintain their bodily condition.

If you observe any of the aforementioned symptoms, you must have your cat evaluated promptly by a veterinarian who will prescribe a cat wormer.

What Happens When Cats Are Left Untreated for Worms?

In cats, untreated worm infestations can prove fatal. Depending on the larval migration path, the movement of larvae through the organs and tissues within the body on their way to the stomach might cause severe skin infections, eyesight, seizures, or pneumonia.

Persistent blood and nutrient losses can result in anaemia, weight loss, exhaustion, and death.

How to Treat a Cat’s Worms

The best approach to treating worms in cats is with cat wormer medicine, which kills both the larvae and adult worms in your cat’s intestines. In many instances, numerous doses of dewormers are used to stop the parasite’s life cycle.

Be sure to adhere to your veterinarian’s dosing guidelines and administration schedule. In many instances, the second dosage is delivered to eliminate any worms that may have hatched after the first.

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